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August 6 - 22, 2023

back in the dark

there's nothing more

besides my ever cold beating heart

after all this time

i figured everything on my thumbs

coming and growing

assuredness that i know

very much i know

the clarity of this all

stopped then asked

where have i gone now

to try and find myself again

to put my mind at ease

and forget my troubles

my conscience is fading

and all that time i had is gone

with everything that it took away from me

the things i want to say

right there behind the hurdle

i'm never going to reach it

no matter how many times i have already tried

clearly it's obvious

but i don't know why it's not there

and why it doesn't speak a word

or letting me have my patience

shall i try again and again

shall i speak my mind once more

shall i have the words to put it together

because i don't have a choice

no second chance

but i want to

and i will:

oh april

what did i ever do

that i have no idea

and where to go from here

are you the reason

all the seasons come and go now

with nothing to take in

and everything to swallow

oh google

my days as your fanboy

obsessed over your name

hadn't it been for it i would've cried for days

but now it's nothing but a disgusting monopoly

driving towards the greed

within these rules i'll never play by

just to feed your ego

and all that you seek to obstruct

oh life

i was pure and alive

a child with no bearings

but the harsher truth comes kicking in

and you had to punch me right in the teeth

talking me into this depressive state

taking me to imaginary places

telling me to ignore everything around me

and keep my stakes at this level

prolonging what i had to do

until it was already too late

because you can't let me speak my mind anymore

i don't know what these mean anymore

they mean a lot to me

but now it's tearing me apart

day by day

month by month

year by year

my hair growing back again

all over my body

dye it black number one

let no one see me in the daylight

and have my name disappear into the void

with these years gone by

i have no choice but to cope

time and again

all that i have now is this cat

along with the thoughts i prosper

its face endlessly stalking me

giving me a preposterous grin

staring into my soul

straight through my problems

distracting me again

so opaquely

this is the point where i'm at

the screen i still gawk at

and i'm still not progressing

all these things are nothing

but i can't escape them

still lingering behind my back

along the things i want to get over with

the turning point i want to make

but i'm still not ready

and will probably never be

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